Best VR Practices Must be utilized In the workforce

This is the first blog in a three blog Series on Utilizing Best Practices With Virtual Reality.

Research now emphasizes the importance of student-centered activities, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), especially when it comes to VR practices.

Teachers will excite students to learn more about STEM by finding engaging and impactful lessons and activities.  Integrating new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) is one way.

Thankfully, VR is now affordable for schools to purchase and use in classes. This three-series blog will provide insight into three affordable VR devices, the Oculus, the Oculus Rift, and Google Cardboard. 

These blogs also present readers with the background of VR while identifying best practices when integrating VR.  It will also assist educators in locating several VR resources that educators can use for their classes.


Innovations in technology over the past decade have continued to make the future of work easier for employees (Nguyen, 2018). This revolution has created an exponential learning curve for both students and educators;

however, the hardware and software on the market can quickly overload anyone while generating uncertainty around how to implement it in the classroom. Take, for example, the growth of virtual reality and augmented reality.

Many people would think these words mean the same, but in actuality, they have two meanings and applications:

VR means that a user enters an artificially created scenario where they are transposed into another place where they use equipment like a PlayStation VR, Apple, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and Google Cardboard.

The user sees and interacts with objects in the scenario. Some VR programs, such as climbing a staircase, can cause users to feel movement. The environment changes as the user looks around, giving them a 360-degree sensation.

Industries like aviation, medicine, and the military have implemented VR into their training, decreasing the time needed to gain new skills.

Augmented Reality (AR) provides the user with a situation embedded in a real-life visual. AR continues to evolve and can be seen on our phones, laptops, and tablets by using clear visors that add elements to what a user is viewing. That element remains stationary and is there for a specific purpose.

Some examples people may remember are the Pokemon GO craze that occurred years ago.  In this AR example, people worldwide were trying to catch monsters like the electric mouse Pikachu. Players would use the app on their phones and walk around places like a park to catch the characters.

That’s the enthusiasm educators want to use to help transform learning.

Reasons to Consider Integrating Virtual Reality

Businessmen and women know this new technology is vital to workforce development and employee efficiency.   Teachers who understand the importance of change also recognize the potential it will do for their students.  But let’s take a moment and consider why educators should tap into VR.

Barnard (2019) describes a few reasons to use VR:
  • Saves time– Students will save an inordinate amount of time as the simulations allow them to practice scenarios by increasing their efficiency.
  • Safe – They will not hurt themselves or others should a trainee makes a mistake.
  • Provides invaluable experiences – Teachers and students can identify specific areas identified as weaknesses and load scenarios that will improve their performance.
  • A higher level of interest – Those who experience VR sessions receives a higher activity level as it engages the user. In traditional professional development sessions, training fails to stimulate involvement as the workshops hinge on slide shows causing a slow death by lecture and force-fed models.
  • Builds additional skill sets – Today’s companies require employees to have ever-changing skill sets as the techniques, products, and technologies evolve. VR adds a new level of comfort to the user while building confidence.
  • Low distractibility – Students cannot focus on possible distractions Since headsets are required.

Understanding the many reasons makes it easier for teachers to consider factors when implementing VR.

Factors to consider when using VR Best practices

When schools consider purchasing state-of-the-art technology, many factors must be a part of the decision.  Questions like the ones listed here bring a meaningful discussion to the decision-making process.

What can VR cover in the curriculum?

Specifically, what experiences can be created or already purchased that center on the identified weaknesses taught in the curriculum?

What comes with the VR package when it’s purchased?
  • Packages can come in two main aspects:
    • Premade, which gives canned scenarios for all users.
    • Specific work-based experiences, Where are created from standards or abilities.
What are the most challenging points in the curriculum?

Curriculum supervisors and expert teachers should collaborate with companies developing algorithms and provide feedback on well-known student skills gaps.  Data from assessments will help to pinpoint specific areas.

How will students receive feedback when using VR best practices?

Although this may sound like a common-sense question, many do not consider this question when deciding what VR package is best for them. For example, can the scenarios be recorded so they can see the experience themselves? Providing effective feedback, whether a test or other assessment, is essential to understanding and mastering the information.

Take, for example, someone who trains to become a firefighter. The first responder candidate goes through a residence and extinguishes the blaze while their evaluator can replay the entire event. As the final marks increase, the instructors can be sat down with the candidate to tell them what they did right or wrong.

How many scenarios are provided?

Cost plays a role in this decision besides the details of every scenario; however, some parts of a scenario can be replicated, increasing the number of situations created. For example, someone opening a door can be reproduced in many other situations once it is created. It is always best to sit down and have those conversations early and often.

How does one measure success for overall performance?

With qualitative and quantitative data. Success can be measured from pre- and post-interviews to the actual timing of someone running through the scenario.

Once it is determined, the decision will be discussed in the future to find additional funds. Remember, what gets measured gets done!

Are the school personnel who make the purchase able to create scenarios later?

This is an important question that needs to ask! When a vendor develops their customer’s scenarios, they must consider that premade scenes can cut costs and time should more scenarios be developed later. It would behoove the school or company to ask for training and accessibility, enabling them to build additional scenarios when the contract expires.

Is a warranty needed?

It is highly recommended that customers get an extended warranty for the equipment. Learn more about the extended warranty of a product before they consider purchasing it (OculusRift (n.d)).

What Are Some Of The Best VR Practices Seen In The Workforce?

VR has emerged as a groundbreaking technology with transformative potential across various industries.

One area where VR is making significant strides is in the workforce.

As businesses strive to enhance training, collaboration, and productivity, VR is the best way to implement it in the workforce.

Let’s delve into the realm of VR and explore some of the best VR practices that can optimize its usage in the workforce, paving the way for a new era of innovation and efficiency.

Identify Suitable Use Cases:
To maximize the benefits of VR in the workforce, it is crucial to identify the most suitable use cases for implementation.

VR excels in training simulations, virtual meetings, product design, remote collaboration, and more.

By analyzing specific organizational needs, companies can pinpoint the areas where VR can create the most impact, ensuring a targeted and effective implementation.

Designing User-Friendly Experiences:
The success of VR in the workplace hinges on creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences.

This requires developing interfaces and interactions that are easy to navigate and understand, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Implementing familiar gestures, clear instructions, and concise menus will enable employees to adapt to VR environments and maximize their immersive experience quickly.

Prioritize Realism and Immersion:
To fully leverage the potential of VR, it is essential to prioritize realism and immersion.

High-quality graphics, realistic physics, and accurate spatial audio are integral to creating an immersive environment that closely mimics real-world scenarios.

The more authentic the experience, the more engaged and involved employees will be, leading to enhanced learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Customization and Adaptability:
Every organization has unique requirements and objectives. VR applications in the workforce should offer customization options to meet these specific needs.

Whether adapting training modules to different skill levels or tailoring virtual environments to reflect workplace conditions, the ability to customize VR experiences allows companies to optimize the technology to align with their goals.

Collaboration and Communication:
VR can potentially transform how teams collaborate and communicate in the workplace.

Virtual meeting spaces can bridge the gap between remote employees, enabling them to interact as if they were physically present. Implementing features such as avatars, real-time hand tracking, and voice communication can enhance the sense of presence and facilitate seamless collaboration across distances.

Continuous Evaluation and Feedback:
Implementing VR in the workforce should not be a one-time endeavor.

To ensure its ongoing success, it is crucial to establish a process for continuous evaluation and feedback.

Regularly soliciting input from employees, collecting data on user experiences, and analyzing performance metrics can help identify areas for improvement and drive the evolution of VR applications within the organization.

Consider Hardware and Infrastructure Requirements:
While VR technology continues to evolve rapidly, it is important to consider the hardware and infrastructure requirements when implementing VR in the workforce.

Factors such as processing power, network bandwidth, and device compatibility should be carefully assessed to ensure a smooth and efficient VR experience for employees. Regular upgrades and maintenance should also be factored into the long-term plan to keep up with technological advancements.

Virtual Reality holds immense potential for transforming the way we work.

By leveraging VR’s immersive capabilities, organizations can unprecedentedly enhance training, collaboration, and productivity.

By identifying suitable use cases, designing user-friendly experiences, prioritizing realism and immersion, customizing applications, fostering collaboration, and continuously evaluating its impact, companies can unlock the true power of VR in the workforce.

Embracing these best practices will enable businesses to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and create a future where VR becomes an integral part of everyday work life.

Next Steps For Understanding VR best practices

There are many invaluable opportunities for schools, training centers, and companies. should the leadership invest the time and resources to improve teaching and learning?

If they want to be on the cutting edge of optimizing teaching and learning. They must provide their staff with the most advanced training tools available. Using VR is one way that will help transform learning. In the next blog, we will cover the recommended best practices and identify some affordable VR headsets that educators can utilize in their classrooms.

If you want to read more of our blogs, check them out here.


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